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"Opposition Labour Party plots overthrow of Capitalism" —Reuters Note the use of the verb "to plot", which is defined by Oxford Dictionary as "a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful." It is scary: we have just discovered that there is "a plot", "a secret plan", that Corbyn, McDonnell and their guerrillas have been organising a parallel underground organisation and an armed wing of the Labour Party in order to overthrow the system, possibly with the support of Cuba and China, with promises from North Korea that she will send advisors once the new regime is estabilshed.
"Nine in 10 UK adults (91%) said that having sex with someone other than their partner was cheating," The following survey might not be accurate, but there is some truth in it:  Deep conservatism in the so-called liberal society. "Street and sexual life in the UK"

Empire: J. S. Mill and Pankhurst

Enlightenment! The London School of Economics has just named a building after Emmeline Pankhurst. From John Stuart Mill to Emmeline Pankhurst. J. S. Mill: The gigantic "federation" albeit "unequal", that was the British empire "has the advantage, especially valuable at the present time, of adding to the moral influence, and weight in the councils of the world, of the Power which, of all in existence, best understands liberty—and whatever may have been its errors in the past, has attained the more of conscience and moral principle in its dealings with foreigners than any other great nation seems either to conceive as possible or recognise as desirable." —Mill, Utilitarianism , London 1972 ed. p. 380 E. Pankhurst: "Some talk about the Empire and  Imperialism  as if  it were something to decry and something to be ashamed of. [I]t is a great thing to be the inheritors of  an Empire like ours ... great in territory, great in potential wealth...If w
Just finished this interesting novel
Social progress in England Health and social care spending cuts since 2010 are linked to nearly 120,000 excess deaths in England, with the over 60s and care home residents most affected, finds new University College London research. Collateral damage?