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The present has a background Example: a champion of "middle-class America" and "middle-class values", a fighter against "aliens" Wasn't Bill Clinton a darling for Liberals and Neoliberals alike? Further reading “ The Obama administration has deported more people than any other president’s administration in history. In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.”

Rosa Luxemburg According to El País

I'm surprised to see this on El País . I'm not surprised to see the distortion in calling Rosa Luxemburg a 'pacifist.' De su vasta producción teórica destacan los temas que forman parte de su legado y que constituyen lo que, una vez muerta Rosa, se denominó “luxemburguismo”, una escuela marxista de características propias: su pacifismo, su lucha contra el revisionismo y la defensa de la democracia en el seno de la revolución. But which "democracy" Luxemburg fought for? Bourgeois democracy? "In the event of war threatening to break out, it is the duty of the workers and their parliamentary representatives in the countries involved to do everything possible to prevent the out break of war by taking suitable measures, which can, of course, be changed or intensified in accordance with the exacerbation of the class struggle and the general political situation. Should war break out nevertheless, it is their duty to advocate its speedy end and to utilis
The BBC: ignoring criminal consequences of an era In its " Russia's bitter taste of capitalism ", there is an omission of the major consequence of the restoration of capitalism in Russia and the USSR, which is that  the restoration of capitalism in the former Soviet Union took more lives than the Iraq and Syrian wars put together : 1.9 million excess deaths in Russia alone in 1990–95; around 4 million for the  USSR in the 1990s.  Sources:  – Vladimir Shkolnikov and Giovanni Andrea, "Population Crisis and Rising Mortality in Transitional Russia’, in Cornia and Renato Paniccià, eds,  "The Mortality Crisis in Transitional Economies", Oxford 2000, p. 256; Michael Marmot,  "The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects our Health and Longevity", New York 2004, p. 196. –  Jospeh Stiglitz's Globalisation and Its Discontents, 2002 Then add the plunder of the wealth and the rise of the oligarchs. Compare that with the way the BBC deals wi