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More propaganda against the UK. This time by an expert from the United Nations. We are all in it together!  We are the sixth economy by GDP. If there are some people in poverty, it is because we have to help other people in far away countries, including Yemenis. Things will get better. We have many friends in the Gulf, who will pour money in our economy. If there are some people in poverty, many of them have to blame themselves and get on a bike and look for a job. I like the use of the word "normalisation".  Poverty in the UK
Unpatriotic propaganda by The Guardian against our "thriving liberal democracy" and "tolerance" And this is only public racism, i.e. racism by people who have courage. Who knows about the hidden one. Racism rising since brexit vote, nationwide study reveals
Queen Victoria's  "willingness to learn [about Islam] was not always matched by a wider society which  believed Islam to be a violent religion ." Haha! At that time the British empire was subjugating hundreds of millions of people peacefully and benevolently , showering them with development and prosperity. The British Victorians who became Muslims Related: The Blood Never Dried
Sometimes some people somewhere do care Italians unions refuse to load Saudi ship carrying weapons to Yemen
We need to sell submarines and other hardware to Israel. Yes, we don't recognise the Palestinians right of return. We have a sense of guilt. Enjoy Eurovision! Germany rules BDS movement "anti-Semitic"