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The deal with the military means that the uprising has stopped short from becoming a revolution; it means that the balance of forces has tilted more than ever since the begining of the uprising towards the military leadership and genocidal militia; it means a win for the regional reactionary forces such as the Egyptian regime and the monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the UAE ; it means that the opposition has not been able to split the army, produce a revolutionary figure and create revolutionary organisations that could continue the struggle.
" It is rare for a state to be held liable for failures in UN peacekeeping work ." Extend this: Forget UN peacekeeping work. Within the capitalist legal framework, will ever the U.S. regime and its allies be held liable for their crimes and the destructive consequences of those crimes in Iraq since 1991, for example?  I guess it will never happen. One has to look only at the crimes of the British empire. The chance that the British state will be held liable is almost zero. There is more chance that Bashar al-Asad might one day stand trial, but not the "democratically-elected leaders of the free world."
Unlike Londoners, "Berliners should be able to continue to afford living in the city,” said Michael Müller. “That is why it was and continues to be our intention to buy up apartments wherever we can, so that Berlin can regain control of its property market.” A move in Berlin to renationalise buildings
Luydmila Pavlichenko See also Battle for Sevastopol (free to watch on or, but the English subtitles are atrocious. And with an unrealistic sniper duel.
Britain and beyond "There is a conspiracy at work here, though it is not of the kind lampooned by critics: a small cabal of the rich secretly pulling the strings of our societies. The conspiracy operates at an institutional level, one that has evolved over time to create structures and refine and entrench values that keep power and wealth in the hands of the few. In that sense we are all part of the conspiracy. It is a conspiracy that embraces us every time we unquestioningly accept the “consensual” narratives laid out for us by our education systems, politicians and media. Our minds have been occupied with myths, fears and narratives that turned us into the turkeys that keep voting for Christmas." I disagree though with Cook in describing Corbyn's election as the Labour Party leader an "accident". Cook should know that even in the most conservative situations, cumulative processes and contradictions create cracks, fissures, and openings, sometimes big, som
French State violence at home I wonder where the "Je suis Charlie" people are. Je suis sans-papiers /les gilets noirs
Les gilets jaunes? Qu'ils mangent du caviar. "The French (bourgeoisie) way of life"  (NYT)