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"One might have thought that the methods applied in the days of European colonialism and the resulting patterns were a thing of the past. But that would be mistaken. These methods and patterns are now seeing a resurgence, awakening in new and grotesque spasms. We don't even dare hope that these will be the last." Late colonial convulsions See also: A rotten legacy
The Nokdu Flower A drama about the Donghak Peasant Revolution that took place in late 19th century Korea. It is a drama, so for some historical background, I recommend you have an overview here . They are 24 parts, but it is worth watching it. Themes include: class struggle, war, betrayal, class, psychology, love, the Japanese occupation of Korea, communistic ideals, loyalty to ideas ...
People as a number  The terrorist Mediterranean Sea killed up to 150 migrants in order to protect fortress Europe