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"Nothing impresses me ..."

A passenger on the bus says… Nothing impresses me. Not the radio, the morning newspapers, Or the fortresses on hills. I long for a weep. The bus driver says: Wait until we reach the station,  And weep alone as you can. A lady says: Me too. Nothing impresses me. I spoiled my son upon my grave, He enjoyed it and slept without saying goodbye. A university student says: Me neither. Nothing impresses me. I studied archeology without finding An identity in stones. Am I really me? A solider says: Me too.  Nothing impresses me. I guard a ghost that always haunts me. The angry driver replies:  We are close to our last stop,  Get ready to leave. They scream:  We want what is beyond the station, so go. As for me, I say: Drop me here.  I am like them, nothing impresses me. But I am tired from traveling.  —Mahmoud Darwish

A World Without Palestinians

It doesn’t take Ariel long to get used to this new world without Palestinians. He and others do feel flashes of regret and fear. A bartender at the nearby Chez George tells Ariel, "Maybe the Arabs will crawl out of every corner like zombies and return to exact revenge." But twenty-four hours after the disappearance, no zombies show up. In fact, "They didn’t find a single drop of blood. They were relieved that the army either wasn’t responsible for the disappearance, or it had executed it perfectly.” The Book of Disappearance Related : Overcoming Zionism by Joel Kovel 

Racism in Europe

"Europe's so-called migration crisis can be understood as a fierce and multi-sided transnational social conflict of which racism and racist forces are one part. In order to understand racism in Europe today, then, it is productive to analyse the social struggles and structural contradictions associated with migration and border regimes which are shaped by racism and in turn shape racism's dynamic." The Role of Racism in the European "Migration Crisis" A must read