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A rhetoric of "justice" that has never been heard of by an American presidential candidate. However, what strategy does Bernie have to fundamentally change the foreign policies of the strongest imperialist state in the world, and thus to lay down the conditions for a possible "justice" for the Palestinians. Why Arab Americans and Muslims are voting for Bernie 


Death is Hard Labour by Khaled Khalifa 2019 Banipal Prize for Arabic Literature The novel is available in its original Arabic


Separating science from the social and political, the BBC attempts to debunk myths adopted by the far right, but it ignores that the main perpetuators of racism are established institutions, domestically and globally, which lay down the conditions and grounds of racist behavious, the corporate media and political parties that play the "immigration card", especially in times of crisis of capitalism. The mainstream liberal ideology that claims inclusiveness in the name of "free market liberalism" but practises exclusion in employment, through Fortress Europe, and through the forms of "development" (e.g. uneven development), cultural essentialism, the nation state that embodies superiority and nationalism of the "imagined community" (including selective history and filtered school curricula and how "the West" and the white 'race' got welathier and more powerful) and the fear of the Other and the fostering of the irrational in an