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Just more of some of the usual crimes Via Michael Roberts “The finance sector is really just a criminal conspiracy to steal from the public. So much for regulation rather than public ownership and control. Take the Wirecard scanda l. Wirecard, which started out processing payments for adult entertainment and gambling websites, filed for insolvency on June 25 after the discovery of a 1.9 billion euro hole in its accounts. German prosecutors have since opened investigations into suspected money laundering, fraud and market manipulatio n at the company. Markus Braun, the company’s former chief executive, was arrested. The company's accountants failed to carry out basic obvious auditing of the accounts and the German government ignored whistleblowers about the company and instead tried to prosecute them! Then there is the Apple tax dodge . With the connivance of the Irish government, Apple booked huge amounts of its global profits in Ireland where tax rates were deliberatel


“[ P]rogressives remain fixated on how to revive the world that engendered the present disorder. They constructed and managed that world, and it flattered their self-image as the rational vanguard of the species. It is only to be expected that they should yearn for the return of their now bankrupt authority. Yet few aspects of the contemporary scene are more laughably grotesque than defunct politicians and advisers demanding a return to the politics of competence and expertise that produced the dysfunctional euro, the ruinous Iraq War, the financial crisis, anarchy in Libya and the regime of globalisation that is currently collapsing.” State of the nation - we are entering a new age of disorder


Just a mere new story of exploitation Shocking conditions [for whom?] in PPE factories supplying UK or Workers making sacrifices to save lives in the West!