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Political Motivations for Criminalising Blasphemy and Apostasy

“ Debates about blasphemy and apostasy laws among Muslims are naturally influenced by international affairs. Across the globe, Muslim minorities – including the Palestinians, Chechens of Russia, Kashmiris of India,   Rohingya   of Myanmar and   Uighurs   of China – have experienced severe persecution. No other religion is so widely targeted in so many different countries. Alongside persecution are those  Western policies  that discriminate against Muslims, such as laws prohibiting headscarves in schools.” Two Muslims identify with each other regardless of their nationality or ethnicity. That is their ‘imagined community’. In addition, many Muslims regarded the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq as a ‘wars on Islam’. It is a socio-psychological question when we see them support executing an apostate or wanting the implementation of shari’s laws. Thus authoritarian regimes in alliance of Muslim sc holars find support among many when it comes to blasphemy and apostasy, for example. Why blasphem

Expenditure on the Police

Related In England and the United States, the police were invented within the space of just a few decades — roughly from 1825 to 1855. The new institution was not a response to an increase in crime, and it really didn’t lead to new methods for dealing with crime. The most common way for authorities to solve a crime, before and since the invention of police, has been for someone to tell them who did it. Besides, crime has to do with the acts of individuals, and the ruling elites who invented the police were responding to challenges posed by collective action. To put it in a nutshell: The authorities created the police in response to large, defiant crowds. That’s — strikes in England, — riots in the Northern US, — and the threat of slave insurrections in the South.

20 Years in Afghanistan

Jenkins’ last sentence is meaningless.  – Jenkins  “can safely write this whilst the Taliban kill and torture in Afghanistan with impunity.” – “If the Taliban can ''torture and kill with impunity'' after twenty years of western war against them what exactly is the point of continuing?” As for Britain, it invaded Afghanistan twice in the 19th century, once in the 20th and–with the US–once in the 21st. Four times and yet the British have been unable to bring ‘democracy’ to the Afghans! What did Wester intervention achieve? Related Who cares about what happened to the Afghans? ‘We’ confronted terror with more and bigger terror, and attacks took place in France, England, Germany, the US ... We shouldn’t forget though that ‘we’ gave Malala the Nobel peace prize, helped her go to Oxford University, and even met Obama. And ‘we felt happy with it. How great we are in bringing freedom to women and kites to kids!

Jordan is a Banana Monarchy

An interesting liberal take on Jordan and how liberals now are saying enough with supporting authoritarian and monarchical regimes. The Arab uprisings have exposed everything, including many hypocritical liberals. A U.S. satellite and protectorate on the verge of implosion