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Habermas, UAE’s Prize and Israel

The German philosopher Jürgen  Habermas is right to reject the UAE’s prize. But, like the German establishment – Merkel’s and Heiko Mass’ support of the last Israeli warfare on Gaza – Habermas has been complicit. It’s a German value, not different from the American or the British historical values. This article , for example, does  not refer to the hypocrisy of Habermas who has been  in Israel, spoke there publicly and kept silent on Israeli occupation and the state’s crimes .

Humanitarian Aid in Yemen

“Because good causes do not sell themselves but rather have to be sold, aid agencies have developed considerable marketing prowess…they will advertise if not embellish the tragedy in order to tap into the guilt of the rich.”  Agency self-promotion is part of the humanitarian aid business model, although there is a fine line between utilitarianism and exploitation. Benefiting from the Misery of Others