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US: Violence Against Chinese and Japanese Immigrants

An interesting historical background followed by a couple of good comments “As the United States emerges from one of the greatest employment crises in a century, Roosevelt’s progressive economic platform is salient once again, and for good reason. Today, the need to enact ambitious economic programs is compelling on its own merits. To justify these programs with the specious argument that taking care of white Americans’ material interests will miraculously displace a well-tended reservoir of anti-immigrant sentiment is borne out neither in contemporary political science data nor in history. After all, nine years after the enactment of the New Deal, Japanese Americans found no such relief from California’s white mob and their powerful representatives. Much as we wish it otherwise, it was the New Dealer Roosevelt who was far more effective than Trump in enacting an extremist program of race-based exclusion to cater to white animus.” Roots of today’s anti-Asian hate violence

Climate Change: Human’s Fault?

They keep repeating that humans are responsible for climate change. Are most humans in poor nations the same as the rich in the advanced capitalist countries? Are the humans controlling the multinational companies the same as working class and middle class humans in the poor countries? Humans are responsible means the responsibility must be shared between capitalists–and the defenders of the dominant economic system–and more than half of the world population! The fault of humanity? The 1% emit more than double of the poorest half of humanity Climate breakdown responsibility

Afghanistan and the American Imperial Project

The US is “ behind Russia technologically (especially in hypersonic missile and tactical missile defense technologies).” Evidence and fact check is required, I think. One should not exclude recovery while talking about the early stage of decline, i.e. does decline ever happen linearly? I wonder why the author avoids the use of the term imeprialism as an economic and military structure and power relations. Why has the US pulled out of Afghanistan?

White Feminists Wanted to Invade

The hidden hand of the market that cannot work without a hidden fist-McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15. Similarly, selling an invasion, a war, ‘liberation of women’, ‘democracy promotion’, etc. cannot work without a (white) celebrity culture and liberal feminists. Afghan feminists never asked for Meryl Streep’s help—let alone US air strikes Related ‘Against White Feminism’

Who Owns Frantz Fanon’s Legacy

“Many of Fanon’s recent academic critics, and even some of his sympathizers, continued to distort and misconstrue Wretched. They inflated the significance of one element in the book over all others: violence. And they underplayed Fanon’s socialist commitment and class analysis of capitalism, which are two essential components of his anti-imperialist arsenal. Nowhere is this truer than in recent postcolonial theory. Indeed, postcolonial theory has come to posit violence as the theoretical core of Wretched. Homi K. Bhabha, for example, has turned Fanon’s work into a site of “deep psychic uncertainty of the colonial relation” that “speaks most effectively from the uncertain interstices of historical change.”1 In his recent preface to Wretched, Bhabha reads colonial violence as a manifestation of the colonized’s subjective crisis of psychic identification “where rejected guilt begins to feel like shame.” Colonial oppression generates “psycho-affective” guilt at being colonized, and Bhabha’