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Christopher Nolan: The Last Tory

 Excerpts According to Will Lloyd , The director is a mass entertainer with an elitist disdain for the masses. In his films, order and hierarchy reign supreme. Nola went to Haileybury College…  A prison… though with better hymns, and one where the prisoners eventually graduate as prison guards.” “Survive your first two years at Haileybury,” claimed RAF group captain Peter Townsend, “and you could survive anything.” Haileybury was a finishing school for a dead Empire. Nolan never slept well there. This was the early Eighties; he believed the world would soon end in a nuclear holocaust. In the dormitory each evening he would lie in his bed after lights out listening to the scores for  Star Wars , Stanley Kubrick’s  2001 , or Vangelis’s score for  Chariots of Fire  on his walkman.” Nolan’s fastidious character hints at a pre-21st century moral seriousness… Nolan believes in deadlines and careful resource allocation. He considers efficiency “a form of control”. No sentiment. No treaties wi

Forgetting the Ottoman Past Has Done the Arabs no Good

“As a historian of the Ottoman Empire with Palestinian and Lebanese roots, I truly believe it is no less than a crime to keep millions of people disconnected from their own recent past , from the stories of their ancestors, villages, town, and cities in the name of protecting an unstable conglomeration of nation-state formations. The people of the region have been uprooted from their historical reality and left vulnerable to the false narratives of politicians and nationalist historians. It is … important to understand why, more than 100 years since the end of the empire, the erasure of the deeply rooted and intimate connections between the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Europe continues, and who benefits from this erasure.”

Protest and Workers Struggle in Iran

“At its peak, the uprising attracted global media coverage, which tended to reduce it to a liberal feminist struggle for legal rights already enjoyed by middle-class white women in the Western world.” “ Over 90 percent of national industries have been sold to the private sector…” “80 percent of workers’ employment contracts have become temporary.” According to the  the Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA)  report of 2022 , 95 percent of workers in Iran are on fixed-term contracts. “At this point, state intervention is limited to repression aimed at protecting the interests of the capitalists closely tied to the regime.” “Iran ranks 102 in the world in workers’ safety.” The reason Workers at Crouse manufacturer of car parts are on “extremely low wages lies in the fact that women make up 70 percent of the company’s labor force.  They must work on their feet for 10 hours per day, and the use of cell phones is prohibited..” Protest and labour struggle Related Protesting Clerical Welfarism in I

India-Israel: A Unity of Supremacy

“Both Hindutva and Zionism draw on ancient mythology to exert their statehood and entitlement to land and power. They both instrumentalise religion to justify their perspectives. Because it is in Palestine and Kashmir that the outcomes of Zionism and Hindutva are most visible. The Indian occupation and the Israeli occupation are not the same, but once again, they share many similarities.” The past and present of the Indian-Israeli relations

Bric’s Summit: Platitudes and Complacency á la BBC

I don’t expect from Andrew Harding and the BBC’s international editor to add a bit of historical context, mainly the working of political economy of the 200 years that emerged in Western Europe then imposed on the rest of the world.  “ After all, Western nations have, for decades, devoted significant energy and cash towards supporting health services, businesses and governments across the continent.”  Putting aside the difference between nation and state and who really did what they did in particular contexts and conjunctures, the obvious is that why then Africa is still in a dire situation. The explanation, people like Harding would like us to put forward, is the same we have heard hundreds of times before: ‘It is their fault, those Africans’, ‘it is in their culture’, ‘they don’t know how to implement the right capitalism’… Harding would be more satisfied if he added NGOs, ‘aid’, ‘free market’, ‘human rights’, etc. Note also how in the title both China and Russia already have one uni