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 .كل ما في الأمر إنني إنسان غير مندمج كثيرا - تصب القهوة. زنداها عاريان. زغب أصفر ينام هناك على مسيل الزند المعصفر. كانت ترتدي «الغندورة» الشعبية الملونة -   ولكن ما معنى غير مندمج؟ -     لا اجتماعي. أشعر بالقصور عن الاندماج مع الآخرين -   هل سألت نفسك لماذا؟ -   .بلى. دائما أسأل -   وهل حاولت الاندماج؟ -  . حياتي كلها محاولات -   والنتيجة؟ -   .الإحباط -   ومن الممتنع؟ -  لست أدري. أحيانا أفكر أنني ربما كنت أحمل أفكارا ضارة. أفكار متطرفة، قاسية، صعبة التحقيق. إنهم يقولون: عليك أن  تكون واقعيا. لماذا لا تجري مع التيار؟ وأسأل نفسي إن كنت حقا أسبح ضد التيار؟ ولكن إذا اندفعت مع التيار إلى أين سأصل؟ فيقولون: إذا بقيت هكذا عليك أن تقبل العزلة. أحد ما ليس معك. لكي تحيا مع الآخرين عليك أن تتنازل. أمي كانت تقول: يا بني الأرض الواطئة تشرب ماءها وماء غيرها من الأراضي العالية. وكنت أرد عليها وأنا صغير: ولكنني أكره الأراضي الواطئة لأن الناس جميعا يطؤونها يا أمي وأنا لا أريد أن أشرب إلا مائي. وتقول أمي يائسة: ستموت وحيدا ولن تجد من يكفِّنك ويمشي وراء جنازتك. أريد أن أموت عار

How a Gangster, Imperialist, Criminal Regime Operates

" In truth, the Libyan intervention was about regime change from the very start.  The threat posed by the Libyan regime’s military and paramilitary forces to civilian-populated areas was diminished by NATO airstrikes and rebel ground movements within the first 10 days. Afterward, NATO began providing direct close-air support for advancing rebel forces by attacking government troops that were actually in  retreat  and had abandoned their vehicles. Fittingly, on Oct. 20, 2011, it was a U.S. Predator drone and French fighter aircraft that  attacked  a convoy of regime loyalists trying to flee Qaddafi’s hometown of Sirte. The dictator was injured in the attack, captured alive, and then extrajudicially  murdered  by rebel forces. The intervention in Libya shows that the slippery slope of allegedly limited interventions is most steep when there’s a significant gap between what policymakers say their objectives are and the orders they issue for the battlefield. Unfortunately, duplicity
 "Hungaru head towards a general strike..." "... Neoliberalism, which has characterized much of the left-centre Hungarian opposition’s rhetoric, is not a winning ticket in Hungary. The second half of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s second, consecutive term in office may be significantly more difficult for him than the first."
"Molenbeek's Ganster Jihadists" " Certainly, many of those who joined IS from the area did not come from particularly religious backgrounds. There is certainly a sense of disaffection among many in Molenbeek. I spent an evening on a street corner talking to one young Muslim man who had been accused of attempting to travel to Syria.  He alternated between fixing me with an intense stare, and refusing to make any eye contact - exuding an air of slight volatility. Initially when I told him I wanted to understand why someone would commit an attack like the one in Paris - he told me I should travel to Raqqa, and ask people there. For him Western air strikes against IS were the answer.  But then he changed his mind. It was the fault of domestic conditions. He railed against the Belgian government - against white Belgians, who hated those of Arab descent, he said. And he would repeat "there is no democracy here" - a feeling that you can't express any
The endless war of who gets what [Note: there is some inaccurate figures on the South Korean War and the massacre]
Eros and Civilization for a Jobless Future: Herbert Marcuse and the Abolition of Work " Surplus-repression and the performance principle compel people to internalize the constant drive to work, compete, and produce. They are also evident in the vehement hostility directed against individuals who refuse to work, appear to be lazy or unproductive, or seem generally free of social constraint. Surplus-repression and the performance principle are most apparent in conservative attacks on the welfare state, and they are well known to protesters who have been yelled at by passersby to “GET A JOB!” Social anxieties about pleasure and freedom proliferate, demanding submission to authoritarian forces of repression: “As the reality principle takes root, even in its most primitive and most brutally enforced form, the pleasure principle becomes something frightful and terrifying; the impulses for free gratification meet with anxiety, and this anxiety calls for protection against them” (Marc
" This is the country where toddlers shoot their mothers and the police wage a murderous war against black Americans. This is the country  that has attacked and sought to overthrow more than 50 governments, many of them democracies, and bombed from Asia to the Middle East, causing the deaths and dispossession of millions of people.  No country can equal this systemic record of violence. Most of America's wars (almost all of them against defenseless countries) have been launched not by Republican presidents but by liberal Democrats: Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama." In 1947, a series of National Security Council directives described the paramount aim of American foreign policy as a world substantially made over in America's own image. The ideology was messianic Americanism. We were all Americans. Or else. Heretics would be converted, subverted, bribed, smeared or crushed. Donald Trump is a symptom of this, but he is also a maverick. He says the i
Scenario for a Wonderful Tomorrow What  about Europe? And why dwell so long on the refugee crisis when I’m supposed to be discussing a book on the euro crisis? The answer is that Merkel’s immigration policy offers an object lesson in what other countries can expect from Germany acting European. Just as the United States sees the world as an extended playing field for its domestic political economy, Germany has come to consider the European Union as an extension of itself, where what is right for Germany is by definition right for all others. There is nothing particularly immoral about this; indeed Germans think it is supremely moral, as they identify their control of Europe with a post-nationalism understood as anti-nationalism, which in turn is understood as the quintessential lesson of German history. Very much like the US, German elites project what they collectively regard as self-evident, natural and reasonable onto  their  outside world, and are puzzled that anyone could po