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Imperialist hypocrisy Al-Assad regime has used chemical weapons against civilians in Ghouta, killing at 70 people.We should do something about it. Al-Asad regime and its allies have been responsible for 93% of the detahs in Syria.  Mr Al-Assad, you can carry on killing, but you shouldn't use chemical weapons. Use other weapons and we will continue looking the other way. After all, although we hate the Russians and the Iranians, we stil prefer you to the 'jihadists' and 'terrorists', you are 'secualr', and you and your wife are 'Western-educated liberals'. Otherwise, you know, that we are resposnible for saving people since time immemorial, and we will not stand by and watch. In fact, we don't want to attack you. Our real objective is Putin and the Russian state. You know, Ukraine, geo-politics, that poisoning thing in Salisbury, etc.
Arabie Saudite Dans l’euphorie, certains observateurs commencent à parler de «   printemps de Riyad   » et de «   postwahhabisme   ». Mais le désenchantement intervient vite. Dès que la conjoncture économique s’améliore et que la situation politique se clarifie, le régime revient peu à peu aux fondamentaux et ferme la parenthèse «   libérale   ». Après 2011, les choses s’accélèrent. L’Arabie saoudite inaugure une «   contre-révolution   » préventive, dont le fer de lance est le wahhabisme. Alors que les budgets de l’institution religieuse sont augmentés, les oppositions séculaire et islamiste sont muselées. Le régime affiche également son respect de l’orthodoxie wahhabite dans l’espace public, notamment en appliquant rigoureusement la peine de mort et les châtiments corporels, tout en promouvant le discours antichiite. En contrepartie, les oulémas font une petite concession : les femmes sont autorisées à voter aux élections municipales (le seul scrutin à être organisé dans le royaum
A social investigation into the disproportionate levels of violence and murder suffered by the black community of Britain, this documentary identifies the failure of the British educational system, the breakdown of family units, and consumerism/capitalism as significant contributory factors into this phenomenon. With interviews from gunmen, underground arms dealers, drug users and victims of the violence, the film attempts to define the social environment which conditions and nurtures the desire to consume and destroy.

Filmed over six months, Bang Bang In Da Manor has been described as the most graphic and disturbing documentary ever made in Britain.
“When the Spanish republic was threatened, capitalism chose tyranny,” he added. “So, the better men who could not abide that choice came to  Spain  [to fight]. Today, that same choice confronts us again. — David Simon 
Our educated elite According to Karen Pierce, the UK's ambassador to the UN, Karl Marx was Russian! During the Syria debate, she commented: "With respect to Karl Marx, I think he must be turning in his grave to see what has become of his country… in its defense of the use of chemical weapons against the innocent.” Pierce's Russian counterpart said that Marx and Lenin were frequent visitors to London. Lenin was. Marx wasn't a frequent visitor, but lived almost half of his life in the city.
Ian Wright [Open University, UK] dismisses the mainstream causes of rising inequality: namely, unequal distribution of profits and wages or lower taxes on the rich; or automation driving down wages relatively for those not working in ‘knowledge-based’ industries.  Instead, the causes of rising inequality must be found in the very nature of the capitalist mode of production.  As Wright puts it,  “capitalism is a system in which one economic class systematically exploits another. And its economic exploitation — not housing, tax policies or low wages — that is the root cause of the economic inequality we see all around us.” Inequality and exploitation