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Algeria 09 March 2019 All signs indicate so far that another social movement will be co-opted (by the regime and the imperial powers), diverted (through a manoeuvre by the military) and if not, crushed. "The people want the overthrow of the gangster regime" "Leave" (one of the slogans that had been raised in the Tunisian uprising) Algeria's angry youth (the Guardian) and a view of an Algerian activist: "A few thoughts on developments in Algeria as well as the way they are being represented in both Algerian and international (social) media.  First, it goes without saying that we are living through incredibly exciting times. Just yesterday, 15 MILLION Algerians took to the country's streets and even more if we take into consideration protests taking place in solidarity elsewhere across the world. Second, it also goes without saying that for those of us who have been involved  in social movements over the past several yea
From the archive A reply to the liberal logic of Fred Halliday Still useful for today's geo-economic politics whether for the recent American categorazation of Hizbollah as "a terrorist" organisation or the one-sided view on the Bolivarian revolution.
Macron and co. " If any anti-Jewish expression in the world always worries me, I feel a certain disgust at the flood of hypocrisy and manipulation orchestrated by those who now want to criminalize anyone who criticizes Zionism." —Shlomo Sand Semites, Anti-Semites, Zionists, Anti-Zionists